Update 5/24 - Crew

This build's changes are focused on the crewmembers

  • Crew cause screenshake when colliding with the sun
  • Various changes to make hitpausing feel "correct", including:
    • Crew and captain animators run on unscaled time
    • Cinemachine updates on unscaled time
  • Tweaks to spread out crewmember ghosts during end of level
  • Drawing a rudimentary line between dialogue bubbles and the crew it comes from
  • Vector-line indicator highlighting crew at the start of the level is back

Most of the broad-strokes stuff, especially for the core gameplay, is done. Once I fix the lava planets and the crew collision with mobile planets, I'll freeze working on gameplay for a while. There's lots of details left, but it's approaching the point where working on bringing back some behavior from the original game requires making the game unplayable temporarily. For example, I made an attempt at bringing back the original implementation of the crewmember tether physics, but it's hard to tune it to something playable. I can get it somewhat close, but it also makes the game incredibly difficult and unpredictable.

There's other things not implemented yet that are must-haves, so I'll get those in first. Things like rebuilding the menus, options, settings, doing save-load, and getting a mobile build working will take priority.